THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN VOICE is dedicated to views of social, political, and spiritual importance. Arguments supported by facts and reason are welcomed. Mere statements of opinion and prejudice are not.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Hey Rush--Do You Really Want To Complain About Paying For Contraceptives?

By Dennis McClatchey

Okay Rush, let me see if I understand this. You are outraged if your health plan is forced to pay for some woman's contraceptives. Right?

 Poor Rush. Why should he have to pony up a portion of his health premium dollar so some college kid can have sex? And, oh yes, even if the contraceptive is used for non sexual but medically necessary purposes, that matters little. I mean, he doesn't have ovaries. Why should he kick in bucks to save some "slut's" sex organs?

 So here sits cigar smoking Rush Limbaugh who is clearly and considerably over weight, a habit and condition that can likely lead to diabetes (if it hasn't already), cardio vascular disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, wearing a Cochlear implant-- a surgical procedure costing north of $50,000-- required because of a hearing loss due to his abuse of prescription drugs.

Here he sits complaining that his health plan will be required to fork out money for contraception. Rush, is that really an argument you want to have given your sorry state of health resulting from your sorry lifestyle choices which will result in higher health insurance premiums to cover your soon to be experienced health problems for all those who share your health plan? Do you really want to go there?

Birth control pills cost between $160 to $600 annually. Hey, one Cochlear implant would pay for 80 to 300 years of contraceptives. What a deal. And, listen to this Rush, birth control reduces the number of unwanted pregnancies which reduce the number of abortions. Good, don't you think?

And, if access to these pills is only available to those who can afford them, then the poor will not have access which means more children will likely be born into poverty placing greater strain on our welfare safety net. Bad, don't you think?

 And something else, Rush. The more a woman has sex does not translate into a requirement that she take more birth control pills. Apparently you missed the film we kids got to see in junior high. But, I bet if you ask nicely and politely some female friend will be happy to explain to you where babies come from and how her reproductive system really works.

Good luck!

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