THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN VOICE is dedicated to views of social, political, and spiritual importance. Arguments supported by facts and reason are welcomed. Mere statements of opinion and prejudice are not.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Three Musketeers of Capitalism

By Pat Berkheim
contributing writer

Capitalism needs to be "all for one and one for all". Capitalism as a total free market is unrealistic. Every man for himself produces winners and losers, an unjust two class economic society. Communism produces a two class society of powerful bureaucrats and unmotivated workers and therefore is also unrealistic.

"All for one" means the populace supports the efforts and success of outstanding citizens, encouraging them to produce and lead the way. Like the team being thrilled by the individual efforts of a star running back scoring and helping the team to victory. Also supporting the star's reward of publicity, popularity, and gratuity knowing that these will reflect well on the team.

"One for all" means the entrepreneur realizes his success was not totally an individual accomplishment. Both circumstance and group effort probably contributed to the final result. Like the star running back who gives credit and reward to the blocking and teamwork which make his touchdowns possible, the economic star recognizes a moral obligation to help the group. As the group is rewarded the star's self interest is also served because the workers are motivated to continue to produce to enhance the success of all. Like the linemen of a humble running back will give more effort than the blockers for and egotistical braggart.

Government is the third musketeer in capitalism ("all for one and one for all"). There are interests of citizens that are not served best by profit driven organizations. Examples are education, police and fire protection, national defense, transportation infrastructure, and health care. Citizens in a capitalist republic also deserve a social safety net to protect children and the elderly. The wealthy need to accept more of this financial burden, understanding that a stable society will benefit all. The government in the football analogy takes the role of coach and referee. The coach encouraging entrepreneurs to invest and support fair wages and bargaining rights. The referee protecting citizens from profit seekers willing to jeopardize our water supply, clean air and food sources. Also, helping to settle differences between business and workers. The coach encourages workers to make reasonable demands and loyally work for the success of the company.

What has happened in America is a swing to only valuing profit. Big business and the wealthy have been consumed by greed. The rich have been able to take control of government by buying politicians. The pendulum needs to swing toward workers rights and responsible government; not bigger government or no government but government that is responsive to all citizens, politicians not manipulated by the wealthy and small activist interest groups in their constant quest for re-election but politicians who believe America is "all for one and one for all".

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